Termicoat® Termite Management System Fully Compliant Pre-construction Systems for Residential & Commercial Construction - Termicoat® is non toxic.
Termicoat® Termite Management System (TTMS)
complies with the BCA, Volume 1, Volume 2,
Performance requirements BP1.1(b)(xv) Structural stability and resistance - Termite Actions P2.1.1(b)(xv) Structural stability and resistance - Termite Actions
Termicoat® is a non toxic Boron/Glycol based liquid chemical termite management system used in combination with a concrete slab forming part of a physical barrier.
Termicoat® is applied to the slab perimeter, any construction / cold joints, the circumference of slab service penetrations (thereby creating a ‘top down’ treatment against termite entry), perimeter frame baseplates and 300mm up the perimeter studs and bearers, piers and joists. Both slab penetrations and perimeter applications are completed on the same day.
Our system no longer requires the concreters to wait for termite collars to be installed before pouring. We can also apply to retaining walls, cold joints and external brick mortar lines when requested.
Termicoat® cannot be damaged accidentally by other trades. This stops the need for time-consuming call outs and reinstallation.
Being non-biodegradable, Termicoat® applications, under normal environmental conditions will never need to be re-applied.